One of my favorite blogs is One Good Thing by Jillee. Jillee’s toilet bomb recipe can be found HERE.
Another recipe I looked at carefully was at Maria’s Self, but I particularly liked the addition of white vinegar and hydrogen peroxide used in the recipe at After reading through the ingredients and methods used in these 3 recipes I came up with this recipe to try: Fizzie Fresh Recipe
I hope that you will either try this recipe or one of your own and let me know how you like it.
Thanks again for visiting :)
I have to admit that the fragrance is not a favorite of everyone in my house. My daughter really doesn’t care for the scent, and my husband just isn’t overly impressed. This kind of shot down my idea for a wonderful aftershave recipe I had in mind to make him for Father’s Day, but all was not lost; I just added it to my facial toner that I use every day instead!
At this time I am using frankincense essential oil from only 2 companies ~ Young Living and Edens Garden. Young Living products can be purchased from their website or you can contact me (use contact page on this site) to see if I have extra on hand that you can purchase.
I generally purchase my Edens Garden products from Amazon. Here is a link where you can purchase a 10ml bottle of frankincense carterii essential oil, but you can do a search for other sizes and varieties. Frankincense (Boswellia carterii) 100% Pure Therapeutic Grade Essential Oil by Edens Garden- 10 ml
Edens Garden products can also be purchased directly from their website. Be sure to compare the price on their website to the price offered at Amazon. Sometimes it is a lower price at Amazon, and sometimes EG runs specials at their site which may result in a better price.
As I have mentioned in earlier posts, I am currently researching and testing oils from several different companies as budget allows. Once the slow process is nearer to completion, I will be sharing my overall conclusions that will include more than just product quality. I can say here that I am satisfied with the quality of single essential oils offered by both Young Living and Edens Garden.
I have probably included more information than necessary in the paragraphs to follow so if you are not a fan of all the back story and just want to know what it’s good for, feel free to skip the parts that don’t interest you. Please read the section on precautions near the bottom, however, before using any essential oil for the first time. That being said, here’s just some of what I’ve learned about one of my favorite essential oils. Origin:
Frankincense (Boswellia frereana, Boswellia carterii, Boswellia Serrata, and/or Boswellia sacra) is a tree that produces resin that can be steam-distilled into an essential oil with numerous health benefits. Frankincense trees are most common in the Middle East and the region of Oman. Somalia is known for producing the highest quality oils. Sap from the trees is tapped in spring and summer. The sap hardens when it is exposed to air forming globs of resin called “tears” that are harvested in the fall, . The resin is then steam-distilled to produce the essential oil.
Edens Garden has an interesting article in their blog describing the different types of frankincense that they offer and the subtle differences between them.
Frankincense has been traded in northern Africa and parts of the Arab world for nearly 5,000 years and is considered to be one of the oldest documented magical resins. Ancient camel caravans were used to transport this highly prized resin which was an important source of revenue for the areas in which it was produced. In addition to being used as a fragrance, frankincense was commonly used as an ingredient in medicines and cosmetics. Frankincense was also used by embalmers in ancient Egypt.
Frankincense appears in the story of Jesus’ birth. The Bible tells of 3 wise men that followed a star to the manger, and “opening their treasures, they offered him gifts, gold and frankincense and myrrh.” (Matthew 2:11) Frankincense is mentioned several times in the Old Testament as well as in the Talmud. Jewish rabbis used frankincense in sacred rituals conducted in the Temple of Jerusalem. Later introduced to Europe by Crusaders, frankincense also became an element of many Christian ceremonies. What's so good about frankincense?
It has a warm, deep, rich, grounding aroma that has the ability to quiet the mind, support focus, and encourage tranquility. Because of its emotional and spiritual affect, the oil is commonly used in prayer and meditation. I personally find the aroma both compelling and soothing.
In 2008, a research study was conducted on the impact of frankincense on depression and anxiety. Pharmacologists at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem reported evidence indicates that the aroma of frankincense may help regulate emotions to help relieve anxiety and depression. The high level of monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes in frankincense is credited with promoting the body's natural healing processes. In an article I found at an alternative medicine expert, Cathy Wong ND, writes, “… inhaling the aroma of frankincense essential oil (or absorbing frankincense essential oil through the skin) is thought to transmit messages to a brain region involved in controlling emotions. Known as the limbic system, this brain region also influences the nervous system. Aromatherapy proponents suggest that essential oils may affect a number of biological factors, including heart rate, stress levels, blood pressure, breathing and immune function.” Common Uses:
I ran across many suggested uses and claims in my research that are not mentioned here. The uses I listed in this post were the ones that appeared most consistently and from what appeared to be, in my judgement, the most credible sources.
Frankincense essential oil is typically used in aromatherapy to treat acne, anxiety, asthma, bronchitis, colds, coughs, indigestion, and ulcers. Frankincense is also used to alleviate stress, relieve pain, build and support a healthy immune system, promote cellular health, reduce the appearance of scars and stretch marks, reverse signs of aging, and treat a variety of skin problems. Popular ways of using frankincense essential oil:
Clyde’s Note: I recommend that you always combine your essential oil with a carrier oil (such as jojoba, sweet almond, coconut, avocado, etc.) when applying essential oils to the skin or adding to your bath.
My favorite way to use Frankincense essential oil right now is in home-made skin care products. I literally crave the aroma of frankincense and use it in my facial cleansers, micro-dermabrasion masks, skin serums, and facial toners. I have seen great improvement in my skin since I began making and using skin care products using natural ingredients and essential oils. Frankincense essential oil is an ingredient in almost all of the products I use on my face/neck/décolletage. I have seen particular improvement on areas that are darkened from sun damage. Frankincense is also one of the 3 oils I am currently using in a custom perfume blend. (The other 2 oils in that blend are Australian Sandalwood and Vetiver.) I have had mixed reviews on the earthy-woodsy perfume blend. I was a bit surprised that not many of my friends thought it would be a blend that they would wear, but I find this particular blend to be soothing and comforting. Easing frazzled nerves is something that has been very important to me lately. So what if I noticed a few people looking at me funny when they saw me sniffing my own wrist in the Dentist Office waiting room? Precautions:
Pregnant or nursing women and children should consult their health care providers before using any essential oils.
Internal use of frankincense (and other essential oils) may have toxic effects and should not be ingested without supervision of a health professional. Always test for skin sensitivity prior to use. Excessive use of any oil can lead to skin sensitization. Keep out of eyes, ears, or nose. Not all oils are created equal, so be particular about the brand of essential oil you use.
Here are some links where you can find some of the products mentioned in this blog post:
12 New, High Quality, 2 oz Cobalt Blue Glass Bottles, with Black Fine Mist Sprayers Australian Sandalwood 100% Pure Therapeutic Grade Essential Oil by Edens Garden- 10 ml Vetiver 100% Pure Therapeutic Grade Essential Oil by Edens Garden- 10 ml
Disclaimer: The information contained on this site is intended for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for advice, diagnosis or treatment by a licensed physician. It is not meant to cover all possible precautions, drug interactions, circumstances or adverse effects. You should seek prompt medical care for any health issues and consult your doctor before using alternative medicine or making a change to your regimen.
I love the idea of hosting posts from guest authors and this will be my first! I have a wide variety of interests, but am no way an expert on anything. Getting information from well-informed folks willing to share their knowledge seemed like a perfect way to provide more information from more than one viewpoint. I will step away now and let him introduce himself and share his knowledge. ~ Clyde
Anyone who has ever been in the woods and brushed their hand up against some nettles knows that touching any part of the plant results in uncomfortable stinging sensations that can last for some time, and for this reason a lot of people have learned to avoid stinging nettles. However, nettles are a glorious, nutrient-rich plant that has so many health benefits and so many medicinal uses. It is found all over the world, from Africa to the Yukon Territory, it is edible and doesn't sting once its cooked, and it can be used in the treatment of all sorts of ailments.
I started taking an interest in nettles when my early spring journeys into the forest by my home revealed they grew there in abundance. I had to know what they could be used for, and it turns out they are a pretty useful plant. First off, they are completely edible. Yes, anyone who has been stung by a nettle might be nervous about eating them, but once they are fully cooked they no longer sting. The hearty green tops are particularly popular, but any part of the leaves or stems can be sauteed in butter, steamed and used in a salad, or brewed to make tea. There are a lot of ailments that have been and can be treated by nettles, everything from urinary tract issues to weight loss to skin issues. According to Debra Rayburn's definitive book on herbs Let's Get Natural with Herbs, Nettle properties are: Acticarcinogen, antihistimine, antilithic, antiperiodic, antiphlogistic, astringent, countirritant, depurative, diuretic, expectorant, hemostatic, hypglycemic, hypotensive, lithotiptic, malariacidal, nutritive, stimulant, tonic, and vasodilator. They contain: Acetylcholine, ammonia, chlorophyll, coumarin, fatty acids, fiber, flavones, flavanoids, formic acid, histamine, indoles, lectins, lignin, minerals (calcium, chromium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorous, postassium, silicon, sodium, sulfur, zinc), monosachharides, mucilage, phosphates, phosphoric acid, polysaccharides, protein, rutin, silicic acid, sterols, tannic acid, and vitamins (A, choline, C (ascorbic acid), D, E (alpha-tocopheral). "Ok," you might be thinking. "That's a lot of information about nettles, but what do YOU use it for?" I want the minerals, the vitamins, and the energy this wonderful plant can provide, and according to acclaimed Wise Woman herbalist Susun Weed, the best way to do this is through infusions. Infusions are plant material that is steeped in boiling water for long periods of time. This helps break down the vitamins and minerals so that they're easier for your body to absorb.
The nettle infusion is great over ice, you can add honey to sweeten it, but I just like it chilled in the fridge. It has a nourishing, green taste that makes me think of spring, a time of renewal and rebirth. You'll need to drink your infusion within 36 hours of making it so I don't make a whole lot at one time. It's wonderful to have first thing in the morning to give you an extra boost of energy for the day, and if you drink nettle infusion on a regular basis you'll see significant improvements in your energy levels.
Where the Heck do I find Nettles? Nettles grow wild in almost every part of the world. They are very common in the Pacific Northwest forests I've been in, but I haven't seen a lot of them in the Mississippi area my mother lives in. There is nothing quite as rewarding as being able to go out into the forest in the spring and harvest your own nettles. If you do have nettles near you and you decide to do this, wear gloves!
Also, I don't recommend harvesting them after they've become very tall and have started to flower. Late season flowering nettles can have microscopic mineral conglomerates that can cause a multitude of issues, from dizziness to skin rashes.
That being said, even with the amount of nettles I bring home during the spring it isn't enough for me to be able to make a daily infusion for an entire year (not that I've managed that, I regularly forget to make the infusions). For those that are going to be making regular infusions or don't have nettles growing near them, it is much easier to buy them online. They are affordable and available at many online herb stores. They arrive already dried and ready to infuse. Watch Out! Do not use nettles if you are pregnant or breast-feeding, have congestive heart failure, kidney disease, edema, prostate cancer, or influenza. Can flush out potassium from your system so make sure you are eating more foods rich in potassium.
Interested in learning more about infusions?
I love peppermint lip balm. I bought a little tube at the spa for $6.50 and used it all the time. It was almost gone and I really didn't want to spend $6.50 to buy another if I could make some myself. There are tons of recipes online for lip balm/lip gloss but most made more than I wanted and some had ingredients I either didn't have or didn't want on my lips.
I love coconut oil and use it for all sorts of things, but I knew I needed something in the recipe that would give it a more solid texture when finished. Organic Beeswax pellets seemed a good choice and it was used in many of the recipes I had looked at. I also wanted it to have a little color tint to it to make it look prettier in the container. I was amazed at the many suggestions I saw for tinting lip gloss. Chunks of your favorite lipstick, powdered drink mix, food coloring and crayons were among the many suggestions. The crayon suggestion seemed to be the one that would give the most color options, so I poked around in some of my hidey-holes looking for that box of crayon bits and old colored pencils that I knew was there. I found it. I even found a couple of pink non-toxic crayons in the jumble. What I also found was that "Crayon Smell". I just couldn't bring myself to put that in a lip gloss. Then I spotted some red tealights; left over from some Christmas-Past I'm sure. I figured just a little bit of the soy candle wax wouldn't hurt and it wouldn't take much to tint the small batch I intended to make.
Here are some links where you can find ingredients I used:
Carrington Farms Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil, 12 Ounce Organic White Beeswax Pellets by Your Natural Planet - 14 oz - Tested and Certified 100% Organic The peppermint oil I had on hand came from
I combined coconut oil, beeswax and candle wax in the glass measuring cup and put it in the microwave for 20-30 seconds at a time, stirring the mixture each time until the waxes were completely melted. (Monitor the melting process very carefully when using a microwave. You could also use a double boiler to melt the ingredients if you prefer).
I let the mixture cool just a little bit before I stirred in the essential oil and then started pouring mixture into the containers. By the time I had filled the 5 containers I realized I had plenty left in the measuring cup and it was starting to cool and thicken. I poured some into the empty glass candle holder that I had used to hold the waxes before melting. I still needed another container, so I filled up the metal measuring spoon that was sitting there. Only a small amount remained after that and it was cooling fast. I used a spatula to scrape the sides and put the rest of the mixture into the empty tealight holder. In less than an hour the gloss and solidified nicely. I tried a small sample from one of my oddball containers. The balm liquefied quickly as the coconut oil warmed from the body heat. It was smooth and went on without dragging like some chapsticks can. The coconut oil gave it a really nice gloss. The gloss had a light pink tint in the container that did NOT show up as color on my lips - which was fine with me. It did make my lips soft and shiny and the peppermint tingled nicely.
I was gone a bit longer than expected. It was 4pm and about 83 degrees when I came back to check it. You can see in the photos below that it was a bit sweaty on the top, but it was still solid. Glad to see that the beeswax kept the coconut oil from melting at 76-78 degrees as it normally would.
Lip Scrub (in the picture at the top of this post)
There is no need for complicated instructions here! This lip scrub was just Sweet almond oil and Sugar in equal parts (1:1) I added a little vanilla extract, Orange essential oil, and Peppermint essential oil to make the one pictured. I had another batch that was just Peppermint and another that was just Orange/Vanilla (like a creamscicle - yummy)
Just apply a little bit to your lips and scrub lightly. Follow up with a bit of Peppermint lip gloss and your lips will be perfect.
Seeing the movie gave me a feeling of nostalgia and I find myself wishing my old software would run on my current PC. Wait! A quick search just brought me to a site where you can download the original game that has been setup to play on a modern computer. I'm going to put the link here, but keep in mind that I haven't actually taken the time to try it out yet so I can't comment on the safety or quality of the download. Be sure to comment if you try the download and let us all know how it works.
Updated info: The link above leads to a site that requests payment for unlimited downloads with tech support. They have a price for 1 day of unlimited downloads and another for 1 month of unlimited. I did see, however that they also offer free download at slower speed and with no tech support. I received info on another site whose old game downloads are free. Here's the link:
Back to the movie....
It appears that the critics don't like it. But is seems that Gamers are enjoying it in spite of the negative reviews. I found an interesting article on CNET giving reviews from 2 different viewpoints. Someone to plays WoW vs. some who doesn't
I gasped at the beauty of Ironforge and smiled when I recognized Stormwind. Seeing the Gryphon in Goldshire interacting with Lothar was heart-warming. I nudged my friend in the ribs, and she whispered "Murloc!", as we both spotted one in the the background and heard the familiar gargle. I actually looked down at my phone at that point, because the sound of a murloc is my notification ringtone and I have been conditioned to check my phone when I hear a murloc. The whole theater laughed out loud when Khadgar sheeped an enemy during a fight. That polymorph spell is one I always look for a chance to use when playing my human Mage.
I thought the story line was a bit predictable, but that did not bother me in the least. For me, it was the visuals that really made the movie special. The scenery was so familiar and beautiful. I was delighted to see my beloved Azeroth and its characters come to life on the big screen. I sure hope it does well enough in the box office to allow them to start production on the next one quickly.
I look forward to hearing your opinions about the movie. Either comment here or on the facebook post. I will add some of the reviews as I receive them. (Now I'm going to check out the classic download to see if it run on my machine!) See you in Azeroth.
Here's what you are saying about the movie:
J. Gross (Oregon) said: "My brain knows that Warcraft wasn't a great movie. This isn't a movie for film critics. Its a movie for the legion of fans around the world that love Warcraft and will be excited to see the movie no matter what. I loved it. I loved seeing that sweeping shot of Ironforge, I loved the glimpses of Stormwind, Westfall, and the Redridge Mountains we get to see. OMG at that polymorph spell! The other surprising thing about the movie was that it got me more interested in the history and the backstory, and I plan to read some of the Warcraft books. Regardless of how well the movie does here, it sounds like it is a super hit in China and we'll get a sequel no matter what. Here's hoping..."
B Sexton (Mississippi) said: "I absolutely loved the movie!!! Josh I agree with you, I now want to go read the books, and for me, thats saying a lot, I hate to read!!! I also want to see about getting the older games and go back to the beginning!! I have many different characters, and I even have a orc. It brought the game to life even more than it already was for me. I cant wait to see what they come up with next, not only in the game, but I am also hoping there will be another movie!!! I plan on watching this one over and over!!!!!" B. Westby (Oregon) said: "I was entertained!! I thought it was so cool to see all these NPC's come to life!"
It is a chronic disorder that causes imbalances in both brain chemicals and hormones (at the very least). There is evidence that this generally includes problems with the immune system as well, but not in the same way as with auto-immune conditions. The definitions for Fibromyalgia vary from source to source and often are either over-simplified or just plain incorrect. One simplified explanation I will give when someone asks what's wrong with me is that my neurotransmitters are sending out the wrong signals. This explanation is obviously the short version, and possibly may not even be medically correct, but it is easier than trying to run down the endless list of symptoms. Because of the fact that there is neurotransmitter and hormone involvement, the symptoms are ridiculously varied and often inconsistent. It's not just about the pain. The cause of Fibromyalgia is also a currently debated topic with several conflicting opinions. What everyone does seem to agree on is that there is presently no cure and that more research is needed. It's a sneaky illness that rarely grants the same symptoms to all who have it - or even the same symptoms every day. Every morning brings a new surprise. What has become the worst part for me, after wrestling with this monster for close to 20 years, is not any particular symptom. It is seeing the slight eye roll when you mention the "F" word. I have learned to often just respond "fine" when someone asks how I am doing. It's easier than watching their eyes glaze over if I start to tell them how I am really feeling. I have a much thicker skin now than I did years ago. I am not easily offended by much of anything, but being dismissed as just another whiner still gets to me most days. I have learned to skip the part of trying to explain what I'm going through and go right into, "oh, I'm hanging in there. Thanks for asking!" It doesn't make the symptoms any easier if you can get someone to stand still and listen while you try to explain an illness that even medical professionals can't seem to agree on. Just smile and be glad that someone cared enough to ask how you were doing. Living with this disorder can seem overwhelming at times. The fight to understand it myself is often more difficult than getting others to understand it. It is a roller coaster ride of confusing symptoms and conflicting emotions. I had to make peace with the fact that this is my journey to make alone. I have to do whatever it takes to improve what I can, and learn how to cope with what I can't. There is so much advice on how to live with Fibromyalgia, but the very nature of this disorder makes each person's experience unique. I have to keep seeking out the things that help and getting rid of the things that don't. I choose to be an active participant in deciding on treatments and therapies. It is a very fluid situation. Some treatments or medications may work for a time and then suddenly fail to be of any use at all. I can't tell you how many times I have been on the brink of just retreating to my bedroom and giving up on leading any sort of normal life. It is hard to accept that there has to be a new normal now, and even that normal is likely to change at any given time. If I had to choose what advice to give someone who is trying to deal with this illness, it would be to keep moving (even when it hurts) and to keep seeking out what helps you to manage your own particular symptoms.
Until medical science comes up with a better solution, or divine intervention takes place, I intend to just keep learning how to dance with this unwanted partner.
While researching Amazon's affiliate programs, I found a link to their "Amazon Smile" program. This program donates 0.5% of eligible product purchases from to the charity of your choice automatically with no increase in the product price.
This makes it possible for you to help make a difference with almost no effort. That will give you more time for Random Acts of Kindness :) Signing up was a very simple process, and you can search for the charity you'd like to support when you sign up. There is also a cool, little app called Amazon Assistant that can be added to your browser toolbar. It gives you information about your account, wishlists, bargains, etc. (if you're into that sort of gadget). It automatically takes you to so you can start shopping.
According to Amazon, there are almost 1 million charities to choose from, and you can easily change your charity whenever you'd like. I've chosen my first charity. Which one will you support?
Those who know me are aware that I love research. This propensity is often very useful such as finding the best prices on the latest gadget or determining which blog has the best sugar scrub recipe, etc. Now to be very honest, this can also lead to an issue that I call "Paralysis by Analysis". In other words, I become so obsessed with gathering ALL the info before making a decision that I often have difficulty making a decision at all. This time, I made a decision quickly.
My husband has suffered from severe night-time leg cramps since 2005. He takes potassium and magnesium supplements nightly, which has helped to some extent, but even with these nightly supplements, his legs would still ache all night long; he was unable to sleep with his legs stretched out fully because the muscle cramps would set in. A full night's sleep is a luxury that he rarely enjoys. Last Saturday night, while doing some more oil research (on an unrelated topic), I ran across a testimonial that seemed too good to be true. This person shared a simple thing he had done before retiring each night that had eliminated his nightly muscle cramps. I had the oils on hand, but it seemed just a little too easy. I was about to go off on another quest to find more information, but it was getting late, and my hubby was about to head to bed. So, instead of typing "muscle cramps" in my Google search box, I grabbed my oils and followed him into the bedroom. He was sleeping so well the next morning that I went off to church without waking him. When I got home, he was smiling and couldn't wait to tell me that he'd had the best night's sleep that he'd had in years. He was able to relax his legs and sleep comfortably. Not only was he not awakened with gripping muscle spasms, he said his legs did not ache. He was able to stretch out and sleep in comfort all night and well into the morning! Regularly interrupted sleep leads to so many problems such as muscle aches, chronic fatigue, decreased cognitive function, lower immune threshold, and so much more. I have extensively researched the effects of sleep deprivation and have first-hand knowledge from my own health issues as to the importance of proper rest. I'm excited to be able to share with you what appears to be a 30 second solution to a painful problem that has plagued my hard-working husband for more than a decade. Please feel free to comment and share your own thoughts and experiences on this topic.
This is the procedure we used:
I was a bit skeptical about not using a carrier oil, but decided to try it exactly as described in the online testimonial that I read. I mixed the 5 drops in my hand by rubbing my palms together and then quickly rubbing my hands over the area that was prone to muscle cramps. There wasn't much to rub in, so I massaged the area a few minutes with my palms to make sure as much oil as possible would absorb into his leg. I repeated this on the other leg.
After seeing the dramatic results, I decided to put the blend in a roller bottle that he could take with him when he left back out for work. I chose Grape Seed oil as a carrier oil because it is quickly absorbed into the skin and is reported to have properties that are beneficial to circulation.
It is important to make sure that when putting Essential Oils into a roller bottle that you only use bottles that have a steel roller ball. A roller bottle makes it easy for him to use when he is on the road. He can quickly apply it when he hits the sleeper at the end of his shift without having to mix anything.
I am curious to see if the addition of the carrier oil will dilute the effectiveness of the treatment. Be watching for an update to this post when he comes back in. You know I'll be asking him for specific information about his usage and results! You can subscribe to this blog on the "About" page. Update 6/30/16
I am happy to report that this formulation continues to be effective in preventing hubby's night-time leg cramps. I was also pleasantly surprised to find that when I rolled it on the bottom of my foot one evening while experiencing a foot cramp that didn't seem to want to go away, it not only stopped the cramp while it was happening, I had no further incident of foot cramping for the rest of the night.
Even more helpful to me was discovering how quickly this recipe eases vicious tension headaches. I apply it (with roller bottle) to my temples and the back of my neck. Headache relief started almost immediately and the warm sensation on the back of my neck was soothing an calming. This receipe is definitely a keeper! If you have a favorite roller ball recipe, I would love for you to share it along with information on what you use it for.
I love bath/beauty products and seem to have acquired many more products than I could ever use. Many of the items I have are for use in the bathtub. Unfortunately, I don't currently have a place to take those long, relaxing baths. It may be awhile before I can remedy that situation, so I figured I should find a way to use some of what I already have to make new products that I can use in the shower and nice gifts for my friends who do have working bathtubs.
For my first project, I decided to use products from a set I had received as a gift. The scent was a delicious Apple-Pear. I had used most of the body wash and some of the body mist, but there was a small packet of scented bath salts and some foaming bath cream just sitting there. I grabbed them up along with some other ingredients and headed to the kitchen.
mOnce I had everything mixed up, I smoothed out the mixture in the bowl and brought it up the sides a bit so that it would be about the same thickness before going in the oven (see photo below-left). Only 10 minutes in the oven, and it came out fluffed up (below-center). After letting it cool a little, I folded the mixture and let it sit some more so it would rise and fluff up again. After final cooling, I fluffed it with a fork to make a looser texture and scraped the residue from the sides of the bowl back into the mix (below right).
This finished product made just about 2 cups which fit nicely into my jar. I added a label on the front of the jar as well as a little "use by date" sticker on the top.
Nea’s Creamy Bath Salts
What you Need: 1-3/4 c. Epsom Salts ¼ c. other scented Bath Salts or Sea Salt 8 sprays of scented body mist 1/6 c. (aprox. 1-1/4 oz.) scented creamy bath liquid or Bubble bath ¼ c. baking soda Glass Oven-Safe Bowl Preheat oven to 250 degrees Stir together the Epsom Salts, other Bath Salts in Glass Bowl Spray Body Mist over that mixture 4 times and stir Repeat 4 more sprays of Body Mist and stir again to make sure scent is distributed throughout Stir in the Creamy Bath Liquid (or Bubble Bath) Add in the Baking soda and stir until combined well 250 degrees 10 minutes it puffs up and bubbles a bit on the top Let rest about 20 minutes then fold lightly w/wooden spoon to bring warmer salts to the top Let rest another 20 minutes and gently fold again Let cool completely Fluff with fork scraping any baking soda residue from sides of bowl back into the mix *Make sure it is cooled completely before scooping lightly into airtight glass container making sure not to pack it in tightly. This will be just slightly damper than your average bath salts and it needs room to breathe so that it is easier to spoon out of the jar. Use within 3 months for best results. *The Rest of the Story
What the pictures don't show is that on my first attempt putting the Creamy Bath Salts into the jar, I patted them down a bit to fit the entire 2 cups into my container. I didn't pack it tightly, but I was also apparently mistaken about the mixture being completely cooled. I closed the lid on the jar and promptly ran out the door to spend the evening with friends. When I returned the salts had obviously "risen" inside the jar. With no room for the mixture to grow, the pressure had squeezed the Creamy Bath Salts so that some liquid had leaked out around the seal and ran down the outside of the jar. I had to open the jar and take out the now tightly packed salts that were damp from the warmth in the sealed container. I put them back in the larger bowl and added another 1/4 cup of Epsom salt to help dry them out and let them cool over night before re-fluffing and refilling the jar. So - make sure your mixture is REALLY cooled before putting it in the airtight container you choose.
Clyde Enterprises has been supplying administrative services to this non-profit organization for over a decade. I can definitively say that this organization truly cares about getting sponsorship donations to the child or purpose for which they were intended.
IAG's Mission Statement as it appears on their website: International Assistance Group, Inc. was formed in Hawaii in April 1994 as a non-profit humanitarian aid organization. Our primary goal was to provide food, medicine, and humanitarian aid to the thousands of Karen refugees from Burma who are forced to live under life threatening conditions in the jungle or in over-crowded refugee camps along the Thailand/Burma border. In the past, we have taken doctors, nurses, dentists, teachers, pastors and every day lay people willing to step out and make a difference in someone else's life. We not only visited the refugee camps, but traveled across the border into the jungles of Burma to offer aid to the internally displaced persons who had to flee their homes and villages in the wake of fighting between Burmese government troops and the Karen freedom fighters. Since 2008, it has not been possible to take teams into the refugee camps. Because of the continued fighting along the border, the Thai authorities are much stricter on travel in the area. It is a challenge for just Rick and I to get into the camps on the Thai side of the border. We are no longer traveling across the border into Burma. Our goal now is to find as many sponsors for the children in the refugee camps as we possibly can. The $10.00 a month it costs to sponsor a child makes a tremendous difference in the lives of these precious children. We go on each trip expecting to bring hope to others, and we come away so touched by their courage and love that we will never be the same. Learn more about this organization and how you can help make a difference International Assistance Group, Inc. - PO Box 1441 - Dothan, AL 36302 Website: Facebook: Email: [email protected] |
December 2018
AuthorI'm a curious-by-nature 50-something with random interests. Come visit often to see what the latest topic is. |